The Fate of May ‘68 and (Post-)Socialism: Literature Between Revolution and Transition
literature and society, student movement, revolution, socialism, modernism, neo-avant-garde, world-system, Slovenian literatureAbstract
Based on the idea that “the imaginative proximity of social revolution” (Anderson) is decisive for modernism, the article discusses the neo-avant-garde radicalization of modernism in the 1960s and 1970s from the perspective of world-systems theory. The author focuses on the literary and theoretical field of capitalist France in comparison with the accelerated development of both fields in the socialist periphery of global modernism—in non-aligned Yugoslavia and its system of socialist self-management. The article interprets the connection between experimental literature and (post-)structuralist theory in Slovenia during “the long 1968”. It developed from the original neo-avant-garde alliance to the split in the mid-1970s. Finally, the author presents different interpretations of the historical process between the attempted student revolution of 1968 and 1989, when globalized capitalism seized power over socialism and postmodernism entered modernism.
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