Comparative Literature and Classics: An Introduction to History of Scholarship and Methodology
comparative literature, classics, classical studies, reception studies, Brunetière, Ferdinand, Texte, Joseph, Ocvirk, Anton, Wolf, Friedrich AugustAbstract
The article addresses the reception of classical literature in comparative literature as a literary discipline; as well as the history of relations between comparative literature and classics or classical studies. It argues that the relationship between both disciplines is complex and dynamic, because comparative literature often neglects the study of antiquity. The influence of ancient literature and ancient literary criticism on the development of early French comparative literature is discussed. It is also suggested that Anton Ocvirk neglected antiquity’s influence on the development of comparative literature. Methodological developments in classical studies are then considered and it is suggested that the methodology of comparative literature productively influenced this development. Two examples are presented: the pluralization of the term antiquity in the context of postcolonial theory and world literature studies; and the development of classical reception studies. In the conclusions, it is stressed that ancient literature and classics played an influential role in the development of comparative literature; and that comparative literature importantly influenced the development of contemporary classical studies.
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