The Contribution of Literary Studies to Bibliotherapy


  • Manca Marinčič



literary criticism, bibliotherapy, reading, narratology, psychonarratology, empathy


Today we are aware that reading is important and its effects on the readers have been proven by many studies on this subject. Its importance is not studied only by literary studies. It is an interesting research field for many other studies. The researchers have been studying bibliotherapy for more than a hundred years now, but we can trace its beginnings all the way to the Bible and ancient Greek philosophers. Researchers in the fields such as psychiatry, psychology, pedagogics and librarianship do most of the contemporary research on bibliotherapy. Since the books are the key component of the bibliotherapy process, it is unusual that we rarely find scientific research about bibliotherapy amongst the experts of literary studies. The article focuses on the role of literary studies in the process of bibliotherapy—how it can contribute to the quality of choosing a text for bibliotherapy. It investigates the strategies of studying literary texts when searching for a text that will appropriately affect the participant of bibliotherapy. Hence, in choosing an appropriate text the psychonarratological approach is crucial.


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