Mountaineering Autobiography in One Graph: The Case of Nejc Zaplotnik
literature and alpinism, Slovenian literature, mountaineering literature, Zaplotnik, Nejc: Pot, autobiography, chronotope, Buhl, HermannAbstract
The article discusses Pot (The Path), a book published by Slovenian mountain climber Nejc Zaplotnik in 1981, against the backdrop of the canon of mountaineering autobiography, a graph of the genre proposed for the occasion, and Zaplotnik’s biography. It demonstrates the canonical status of the book by assembling the references to Pot in other books in the same genre and by listing the quotations of a certain passage from Pot by mountaineering books and their critiques and analyses. The central place of Zaplotnik’s book within Slovenian mountaineering literature, which is not unlike the place Hermann Buhl’s Achttausend drüber und drunter (Nanga Parbat Pilgrimage) occupies on the global scale, is accounted for by the fact that the chronotope of Pot enacts the entire narrative structure of its genre. In the article, this structure is reconstructed by a graph based in the opposition between vertical (paradigmatic, metaphorical) and horizontal (syntagmatic, metonymical) paths. This structure is then also discovered in the biography of Nejc Zaplotnik, who, following the publication of Pot, started to write a featured travelogue for the weekly Teleks and a novel titled Peter Simsen, texts the relationship between (and within) which is also governed by the structure that opposes the vertical path to the horizontal one.
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