Identity of Nonidentity in Science Fiction


  • Ana Jarc



literature and philosophy, ecocriticism, science fiction, attitude towards animals, Adorno, Theodor W., anthropocentrism, (non)identity


This article looks at ecological cues found in science fiction and analyses them based on the theory of the identity of nonidentity by philosopher Theodor W. Adorno. The introduction presents a type of science fiction reading that analyses the presentations of nature based on humans’ distance from nonidentity. The term nature in science fiction consists of nonhuman animals, aliens, robots, people and physical nature—in man’s relationship with these it is possible to look at the process of othering that is responsible for the cause of environmental crisis; the aforementioned groups can therefore serve for an organized analysis of the representation of the nonhuman in science fiction. The science and technology in science fiction make this genre suitable for a clear distinction between identity and nonidentity while also determining their main characteristics. In this time of ecological crisis, the discourse about anthropocentrism is an important topic. Therefore, the literary studies are also called to take part in cultivating a critical, non-anthropocentric view on literature and its representations of nature.


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