A Complicit Reading Strategy: Exposing Censored Themes of Intimacy in Swedish Alfhild Agrell’s Räddad


  • Birgitta Lindh Estelle




feminist literary criticism, women’s writing, Swedish drama, Agrell, Alfhild, intimacy, censorship, self-censorship


This article proposes an ethical reading position by taking the author’s socio-historic censorious situation into account and by adopting a complicit reading strategy in order to expose silenced themes of intimacy. It does so through textual references to the 1883 play Räddad (Saved) by the Swedish female playwright Alfhild Agrell. By taking the point of departure in Helen Freshwater’s idea of an inclusive model of censorship, Judith Butler’s theory of reiteration, and Toril Moi’s claims of the political potential of a reading mode starting in the concerns of the text, I establish the theoretical basis for a complicit reading strategy. I then present the gendered period-specific censorious situation of the 1880s in Sweden, in which the aesthetics of idealism influenced censorship in the theatres and also regulated playwriting. I demonstrate a vacillation between self-censoring and exposing themes of intimacy in Agrell’s play, proposing that this should be regarded as a specific rhetoric produced by an awareness of gendered censorship. Finally, by leaning on phenomenological and new materialist instruments of analysis, I present an embodied reading strategy for Agrell’s play in response to its specific individual poetics and concerns, to expose its full gender/feminist potential.


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