Network Analysis in the Electronic Collection Letters: The Perspective of Metadata and Semantic Connections of Vocabulary


  • Katja Mihurko
  • Ivana Zajc
  • Darko Ilin
  • Mila Marinković



Slovenian writers, correspondence, love, metadata, network analysis, digital humanities


The article presents the electronic collection Letters, the processes of its creation, and the challenges faced by the research team at the Research Center for Humanities at the University of Nova Gorica in collecting and organizing more than 1,600 letters from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, which the collection currently encompasses. The article highlights the role of metadata both in navigating this collection and in computer-assisted distant reading in literary studies in general. The systematic classification of letters, along with extensive metadata, offers a range of research possibilities. The website enables users to search for numerous topics, as well as for individuals and individual terms used in the letters. Using the method of digital network analysis, which is a type of distant reading of historical documents, the article demonstrates computational analyses of various types of networks in terms of connections between different correspondences within the collection. Additionally, it presents an analysis of the semantic connections of vocabulary related to the intimate emotion of love in the letters of Slovenian women writers from the modernist period, supported by the Clowdflows workflow.



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Marica Nadlišek Bartol Franu Vidicu, 11. marec 1899, IV Korespondenca, Marica Nadlišek – Bartol (53, 1896–1937 in b. d.), Zapuščina Frana Vidica (Ms 1834), NUK.

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Vida Jeraj Mariji Reisner, 3. julij 1905, Korespondenca, Vida Jeraj (2, 1905), Zapuščina Marije Reisner (Ms 1161), NUK.


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Thematic section