Analyzing 90 Slovenian Novels and the Oeuvre of Ivan Cankar Using Computational Stylometry


  • Ivana Zajc



Slovenian novel, Cankar, Ivan, distant reading, computational stylometry, digital humanities


The article presents a distant reading of Slovenian literature from the periods of realism and early modernism (moderna in Slovenian). The first part of the article displays the results of a computational stylometric analysis of a corpus of 90 Slovenian novels from the two periods, conducted in the programming environment R with the Stylometry with R package. The results show that the primary signal differentiating the included novels is the authorial one, with Pavlina Pajk and Ivan Cankar standing out the most. Since Pajk is the most distinct author in the corpus, the article also includes a stylometric investigation into the most typical vocabulary of her works. On this basis, the article concludes that her writing differs from others due to the genre of sentimental romance novels which characterizes her work. In the second part of the article, Cankar’s literary oeuvre is analyzed using the same methodology, and the corpus includes not only his novels but also other works from different periods of his writing career. The results of the analysis reveal the development of Cankar’s literary style in terms of genre and periodization.


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Thematic section