Comparing Josip Jurčič and Ivan Cankar Using Computational Semantic Change Detection Methods


  • Andrejka Žejn
  • Marko Pranjić
  • Senja Pollak



Slovenian literature, Jurčič, Josip, Cankar, Ivan, natural language processing, semantical analysis, digital literary studies, digital humanities


The article begins with a presentation of the heterogeneity and interdisciplinarity of the digital humanities as two central and interrelated concepts. In the main part of the article, the method of detecting semantic changes based on contextual word embeddings for the analysis of literary works is introduced. The method’s potential is demonstrated through a comparative analysis of the narrative works of two canonical Slovenian authors belonging to two distinct literary periods, Josip Jurčič and Ivan Cankar, in particular through the automatic recognition of words whose meanings differ between the authors. The differences in literary style are further interpreted via a qualitative analysis of the automatically obtained results, followed by a manual categorization into semantic fields of the words that were qualitatively identified as informative of stylistic differences between Jurčič and Cankar. The article shows that the approach based on contextual word embeddings can be used for literary analysis with satisfactory results. This enables narratology to gain new insight into the oeuvres of Cankar and Jurčič, as the article shows that the difference between Jurčič’s (romantic) realism and Cankar’s kind of modernism (moderna) is also based on the semantics of discourses related to movement and social and psychological actions and processes.


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Thematic section