A Quantitative Analysis of Relations between Semantic Fields in the Slovenian Narrative Prose of the Long Nineteenth Century


  • Lucija Mandić




digital literary studies, Slovenian narrative prose, Prešernian structure, Slovenian cultural syndrome, semantical analysis, word embeddings


The article analyzes the relationships between semantic fields in Slovenian narrative prose of the long nineteenth century using the method of word embeddings. The corpus of longer Slovenian narrative prose (KDSP 1.0) was analysed using the Word2Vec technology in the Python programming language. For the purposes of the analysis, semantic fields were constructed for four social institutions: economy, politics, culture, and the household. A set of words for each semantic field was obtained by identifying the 50 words with the greatest cosine proximity to the vector representation of each institution. The set of vectors obtained in this way became the quantitative basis of an investigation into the relations between these social institutions as they are narrated by the literary texts included in the corpus. The findings reveal a significant overlap between the semantic fields of politics and culture, thus offering a quantitative approach to a phenomenon that traditional literary scholarship tends to conceptualize as the Prešernian structure or the Slovenian cultural syndrome.


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Thematic section