Brečko Grubar, Valentina

  • Geografski vestnik Vol. 86 No. 2 (2014) - Articles/članki
    Pomen obalnih mokrišč za prebivalce slovenske Istre // The importance of coastal wetlands for the people of Slovene Istria
    Abstract  PDF
  • Geografski vestnik Vol. 89 No. 1 (2017) - Articles/članki
    Odnos do trajnostnega razvoja in viri znanja o trajnostnem razvoju študentov geografije v Sloveniji // Attitude towards sustainable development and sources of knowledge of sustainable development among geography students in Slovenia
    Abstract  PDF
  • Geografski vestnik Vol. 91 No. 1 (2019) - Articles/članki
    Preizkus metodologije določanja hidromorfoloških lastnosti rek na primeru Nadiže // Testing the methodology for determination of the hydromorphological properties of rivers in the case of the Nadiža river
    Abstract  PDF
  • Geografski vestnik Vol. 88 No. 1 (2016) - Articles/članki
    Pogostost in obseg požarov v naravi na Krasu in v slovenski Istri // The frequency and extent of wildfires on the Kras and in Slovenian Istria
    Abstract  PDF
  • Geografski vestnik Vol. 89 No. 1 (2017) - Articles/članki
    Razvoj podeželja na območju predvidenega Krajinskega parka Dragonja: mnenje aktivnih prebivalcev // Rural development in the prospective Dragonja Landscape Park: a viewpoint from active inhabitants
    Abstract  PDF
  • Geografski vestnik Vol. 90 No. 2 (2018) - Articles/članki
    Spremembe pokritosti dna z morskimi travniki v Semedelskem zalivu v obdobju 2009–2015 // The changes of seagrass meadows on the Semedela Bay seabed in the period 2009–2015
    Abstract  PDF
  • Geografski vestnik Vol. 88 No. 1 (2016) - Articles/članki
    Vpliv podnebnih sprememb na količine vode in poplave morja v slovenski Istri // Climate change impacts on water quantities and sea flooding in Slovene Istria
    Abstract  PDF
  • Geografski vestnik Vol. 92 No. 2 (2020) - Articles/članki
    Rekreacijske dejavnosti na območju Slavnika – analiza mnenj izbranih deležnikov // Recreational activities in the area of Slavnik – analysis of the opinions of selected stakeholders
    Abstract  PDF